1. flutter_music_player
A music player component for Flutter (i.e. Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
This is ready-to-go for embedding in a music-playing application.
It supports seeking, as well as having callbacks for skipping, shuffling, and looping.
This package is not yet on Pub (I haven’t figured out how to test it), so in the meantime:
flutter: sdk
git: https://github.com/thosakwe/flutter_music_player.git
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
build(BuildContext context) {
return new MusicPlayer(
onError: (e) {
new SnackBar(
content: new Text(e),
onSkipPrevious: () {},
onSkipNext: () {},
onCompleted: () {},
onLoopChanged: (loop) {
setState(() => this.loopKind = loop);
onShuffleChanged: (loop) {
setState(() => this.shuffle = loop);
key: musicPlayerKey,
textColor: Colors.white,
loop: loopKind,
shuffle: shuffle,
url: mp3Url,
title: const Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
textScaleFactor: 1.5,
style: const TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: Colors.white,
subtitle: const Text(
'JAY Z - Holy Grail',
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
style: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
Source Code
Please Visit the flutter_music_player Source Code at GitHub
2. Bungee
A Flutter musical app built with nodejs and firebase.
Bungee is the first music app build with Flutter. With a nice interface you can play punjabi music ,create playlists and share them with others. You can also search for particular artist or song.There is also switching of dark theme. Pagination is also used. Thank you
To use features of firebase in app you will have to paste your own keys at android/app/src
Built With
Following is list of libraries used in app.
1) Rxdart-Communication between different screens of app.
2) AudioPlayer-Playing music
3) Firebase-Creating playlists and storing recent searches,
4) Device info-Getting unique id of user.
5) Shared Preferences-Storing settings
6) Url launcher-Opening url.
7) Share-Sharing link
Following is list of important wigdets used in app.(Can’t list all 😁)
1) Navigator😍
2) WillPopScope
3) BackdropFilter
4) ClipRRect
5) CupertinoSliverNavigationBar
- Bhavneet Singh – singhbhavneet
Source Code
Please Visit the Bungee Source Code at GitHub
3. Flutter Music Player (flutter-musicplayer)
A complete and open source music player designed in flutter. It is first complete music player designed in flutter.
This app exploits Sqlite databse that enables faster loading of songs at startup. Only one time setup for loading songs is needed. This app comes with a lot of features and a more are coming soon.
You can download app from releases Music Player.
Please star the repo up, if you like the work.
- Play local songs
- Beautiful screens
- Sqlite database support
- Search songs, Songs suggestions
- Top tracks, Recent songs, Random song
- Album view, Artist view
- Playing queue, Shuffle, Add to favourites
- Play/pause, Next/prev
- Themes(dark/light), Custom font, Animations
- landscape mode
Music player plugin used : Flute-music
For Sqlite :SQLite flutter plugin
Note: This app may contain few bugs, which will be fixed shortly.
MIT License
Source Code
Please Visit the flutter-musicplayer Source Code at GitHub
4. flutter-tunein (🎧 Flutter Music Player )
⭐️ this repo if you like it.
Getting Started 🚀
- Clone the repo
- Install the dependicies
- Run it
- [x] Retrieve songs
- [ ] Retrieve from SD
- [x] Play
- [x] Pause
- [x] Seek
- [x] Shuffle
- [x] favorites
- [ ] playlists
- [ ] Search songs
📸 ScreenShots
![]() |
![]() |
Contact me 📧
Email : mrbouaggadmoez@gmail.com
Website : https://bouaggadmoez.netlify.com/
Source Code
Please Visit the flutter-tunein – Flutter Music Player Source Code at GitHub
5. Nano Music Player
Simple local music player built with flutter. It uses the audioplayer plugin to play files, and path_provider to locate the external directory and search it for playable files. Metadata is gathered through native java code. I also used this Waves widget. You can download the app from Google Play.
Getting Started
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online
Source Code
Please Visit the Nano Music Player – Flutter Music Player Source Code at GitHub
6. Chillify
A Flutter music app made with Provider and BLoC pattern. (Works on Android for now)
Recommended Flutter version: 1.7.8+hotfix.4
UI heavily inspired by: https://dribbble.com/shots/6523216-Music-Player-Application/attachments
current app version (apk): https://github.com/KarimElghamry/chillify/releases/tag/v1.5
Current Features
[✓] Retrieve all songs
[✓] Pause
[✓] Play
[✓] Seek
[✓] Repeat
[✓] Shuffle
[✓] Now Playing
[✓] add to favorites
[✓] Search songs
[✓] Albums
[✓] Well-designed UI
᛫ Add foreground notification of "now playing" song with playback controls
᛫ Add SQLite database or alternatives
᛫ Add tabs => Artists and Playlists
᛫ Implement beautiful animations
Source Code
Please Visit the Chillify Source Code at GitHub