Flutter Podcast Player

Flutter Podcast Player

June 20, 2020 totosugito 0

Anytime Podcast Player This is the official repository for the Anytime Podcast Player – the simple Podcast playing app built with Dart & Flutter. Getting […]

Flutter Pdf Viewer

Flutter Pdf Viewer

June 16, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_cached_pdfview A package to show Native PDF View for iOS and Android, support Open from a different resource like Path, Asset or Url and Cache […]

Flutter Radio Player

Flutter Radio Player

May 22, 2020 totosugito 0

kRadio Player Another Awesome Online Radio Player Getting Started Follow the guide on how to install Flutter. Clone the repository and open with your IDE: […]

Flutter Shuttle Tracker

Flutter Shuttle Tracker

May 20, 2020 totosugito 0

Flutter ShuttleTracker Flutter ShuttleTracker is a cross-platform port of ShuttleTracker that utilizes the Flutter framework for development. Showcase Features Live updates displayed on map for […]

Flutter Map Marker Cluster

Flutter Map Marker Cluster

April 21, 2020 totosugito 0

Flutter Map Marker Cluster A Dart implementation of Leaflet.markercluster for Flutter apps. This is a plugin for flutter_map package Usage Add flutter_map and flutter_map_marker_cluster to […]