Flutter Gauge Widget

Flutter Gauge Widget

July 13, 2020 totosugito 0

Chart Types Getting Started You should ensure that you add the following dependency in your Flutter project. dependencies: flutter_gauge: ^1.0.8 You should then run flutter […]

Flutter Style Widget

Flutter Style Widget

July 13, 2020 totosugito 0

Simplifying your widget tree structure by defining widgets using methods.    Thanks to the introduction of extension methods in Dart 2.7.0, styled_widget makes it possible […]

Flutter Snapping Sheet

Flutter Snapping Sheet

July 13, 2020 totosugito 0

Snapping sheet A package that provides a highly customizable sheet widget that snaps to different vertical positions Using a ListView in sheetBelow Example using only […]

Flutter Responsive Widgets

Flutter Responsive Widgets

July 13, 2020 totosugito 0

Responsive Widgets This plugin helps to create responsive widgets, that makes auto-size with the proportion between reference screen size (width, height) with the screen that […]

Flutter Overlay Widget

Flutter Overlay Widget

July 9, 2020 totosugito 0

overlay_container A flutter widget which renders its child outside the original widget hierarchy. Demo. This demo is present as an example here. You can also […]

Flutter Showcase View

Flutter Showcase View

July 9, 2020 totosugito 0

ShowCaseView A Flutter package allows you to Showcase/Highlight your widgets step by step. Preview Installing Add dependency to pubspec.yaml Get the latest version in the […]

Flutter Speedometer Widget

Flutter Speedometer Widget

July 9, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_speedometer Flutter Speedometer widget package Getting Started In order to use this package, do import import 'package:flutter_speedometer/flutter_speedometer.dart'; Basic implementation can be done like below code: […]

Flutter Table Widget

Flutter Table Widget

July 9, 2020 totosugito 0

horizontal_data_table A Flutter Widget that create a horizontal table with fixed column on left hand side. Usage This shows Widget’s full customizations: HorizontalDataTable( {@required this.leftHandSideColumnWidth, […]

Flutter JSON Table Widget

Flutter JSON Table Widget

July 9, 2020 totosugito 0

Json Table Widget This Flutter package provides a Json Table Widget for directly showing table from a json(Map). Supports Column toggle also. Live Demo: https://apgapg.github.io/json_table/ […]