Flutter Showcase View

Flutter Showcase View


A Flutter package allows you to Showcase/Highlight your widgets step by step.


Flutter Showcase View


  1. Add dependency to pubspec.yaml
    Get the latest version in the ‘Installing’ tab on pub.dev

    showcaseview: ^0.1.5
  2. Import the package

    import 'package:showcaseview/showcaseview.dart';
  3. Adding a ShowCaseWidget widget.

    builder: Builder(
    builder : (context) ()=> Somewidget()
  4. Adding a Showcase widget.

    GlobalKey _one = GlobalKey();
    GlobalKey _two = GlobalKey();
    GlobalKey _three = GlobalKey();
    key: _one,
    title: 'Menu',
    description: 'Click here to see menu options',
    child: Icon(
    color: Colors.black45,

    Some more optional parameters

    key: _two,
    title: 'Profile',
    description: 'Click here to go to your Profile',
    disableAnimation: true,
    shapeBorder: CircleBorder(),
    showArrow: false,
    slideDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
    tooltipColor: Colors.blueGrey,
    child: ...,
  5. Using a Showcase.withWidget widget.

    key: _three,
    cHeight: 80,
    cWidth: 140,
    shapeBorder: CircleBorder(),
    container: Column(
    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
    children: <Widget>[
    child: ...,
  6. Starting the ShowCase

    ShowCaseWidget.startShowCase(context, [_one, _two, _three]);
  7. onFinish method for ShowCase

    onFinish: () {
    // Your code goes here
    builder: Builder(
    builder : (context) ()=> Somewidget()

    If you want to start the ShowCaseView as soon as your UI built up then use below code.

    WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) =>
        ShowCaseWidget.startShowCase(context, [_one, _two, _three]));

How to use

Check out the example app in the example directory or the ‘Example’ tab on pub.dev for a more complete example.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Dart
a library module containing code that can be shared easily across
multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our
online documentation, which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Showcase View Source Code at GitHub