Flutter VLC Player Widget

Flutter VLC Player Widget

April 12, 2020 totosugito 0

VLC Player Plugin A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter’s video_player that supports iOS and Android. Installation iOS For iOS, you need to opt into the Flutter […]

Flutter FFmpeg Plugin

FFmpeg Plugin for Flutter

April 12, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_ffmpeg FFmpeg plugin for Flutter. Supports iOS and Android. 1. Features Based on MobileFFmpeg Includes both FFmpeg and FFprobe Supports Both Android and iOS Both […]

Flutter Movie Ratings

Flutter Movie Ratings

April 9, 2020 totosugito 0

Flutter – Movie Ratings You can get the latest Playstore version here on Playstore – or download directly – 0.4.3 Screenshots of master Search Page […]

WebRTC Plugin for Flutter

WebRTC Plugin for Flutter

April 9, 2020 totosugito 0

Flutter-WebRTC WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web Functionality Feature Android iOS Web macOS Windows Linux Fuchsia Audio/Video ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [WIP] [WIP] Data Channel ✔ […]

Flutter Music Player

Flutter Music Player

March 29, 2020 totosugito 0

Flutter Music App First Open Source Flutter Music Player based dribbblel Design Music Player. logo free design http://www.freeuid.com/category/free material icons https://material.io/resources/icons/?search=d&style=baseline generate logo(android &ios) http://icon.wuruihong.com/ […]