Conveniently secure payments methods using Stripe Flutter Stripe Payment Plugin Integration.
Quick Glance
- This Flutter plugin is a straight port from tipsi-stripe plugin for React Native – we tried to
keep the API as close as possible so the documentation applies this this plugin as well. - Collect chargable tokens from users’ Card Input and Apple & Google Pay
- For SCA compliant apps, setup payment intents for later confirmation.
Supported features:
Native Pay
- canMakeNativePayPayments()
- deviceSupportsNativePay()
- potentiallyAvailableNativePayNetworks()
- completeNativePayRequest()
- cancelNativePayRequest()
Card Form
- paymentRequestWithCardForm()
Card Params Object
- createTokenWithCard()
Bank Account Params Object
- createTokenWithBankAccount()
Create Source Object With Params
- createSourceWithParams()
Android & iOS
- Create a Stripe account and project
- Retrieve a publishable key from the Stripe dashboard
- Requires AndroidX
Include support in android/gradle.properties
For proper setup also have a look at: https://github.com/jonasbark/flutter_stripe_payment/issues/88#issuecomment-553798157
As this plugin Flutter Stripe Payment Integration is a port from tipsi-stripe for React Native you may consult their documentation:
It includes:
- how to setup Google / Apple Pay
- method documentations
Source Code
Please Visit Flutter Stripe Payment Integration Source Code at GitHub