Flutter ShuttleTracker

Flutter ShuttleTracker is a cross-platform port of ShuttleTracker that utilizes the Flutter framework for development.
Live updates displayed on map for shuttles, routes, and stops
Persistence for certain settings
Dark Mode functionality
Automatic route toggling
Clicking on a shuttle stop will zoom to its coordinates
Splash screen that displays ShuttleTracker logo
Setting up
- Install Flutter.
- Clone the repository to your computer.
- Check the status of flutter by running
flutter doctor
- Retrieve all the required dependencies with
flutter pub get
- Make sure you are in the stable channel by running
flutter channel stable
- Run the app with
flutter run
- flutter_bloc
- flutter_native_splash
- flutter_map
- hydrated_bloc
- geolocation
- cupertino_icons
- responsive_framework
- loading
- flutter_widget_from_html
- observable
- flutter_svg
- equatable
- flutter_platform_widgets
- http
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License – see the LICENSE.md file for details
Source Code
Please Visit Flutter ShuttleTracker Source Code at GitHub