A simple Todo App Built With Flutter

Simple ToDo Application With Flutter

Tasker 😃

A simple todo app built with flutter

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
simple Todo App With Flutter simple Todo App With Flutter simple Todo App With Flutter
simple Todo App With Flutter simple Todo App With Flutter simple Todo App With Flutter
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Getting Started

  1. flutter create --androidx . if android/ios folders aren’t present.
  2. flutter packages get
  3. flutter run


  1. Provider for simple state management.
  2. Stream builder for reactive data.
  3. SQLite for persistence.
  4. Uses moor as an abstraction layer on top of SQFlite.


  • [x] Option to add due date
  • [x] Option to tag user tasks
  • [x] Option to edit and delete tasks
    • [x] Swipe to delete
    • [x] Long press to edit
  • [ ] Scheduled local notifications for tasks tagged as Important and have a due date.
  • [ ] Option to edit tags
  • [ ] Publish to play store
  • [ ] Redesign ui to custom design. (Not following Material/Cupertino)


  1. Replace assets/images/logo.png with your own.
  2. Run flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main to generate platform specific icons.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our
online documentation, which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Source Code

Please visit A simple todo app built with flutter Source Code at GitHub