Flutter Credit Card Form

Flutter Credit Card Form

August 19, 2020 totosugito 0

This package provides visually beautiful UX through animation of credit card information input form. Preview Installing Add dependency to pubspec.yaml Get the latest version in […]

Flutter GraphView

Flutter GraphView

August 19, 2020 totosugito 0

GraphView Get it from Flutter GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout, Directed and Layered graph. Useful for […]

Flutter Select Dialog

Flutter Select Dialog

August 18, 2020 totosugito 0

select_dialog Package Package designed to select an item from a list, with the option to filter and even search the items online. pubspec.yaml select_dialog: <last […]

Flutter Basic Toolkit UI

Flutter Basic Toolkit UI

August 17, 2020 totosugito 0

Basic UI Toolkit [Theme: School] Descrption A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter application development. Widget List: SchoolToolkitButton: Button with a busy […]

Flutter Barcode Scanner

Flutter Barcode Scanner

August 15, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_barcode_scanner A plugin for Flutter apps that adds barcode scanning support on both Android and iOS. Try example Just clone or download the repository, open […]

Flutter Icon Picker

Flutter Icon Picker

August 15, 2020 totosugito 0

icon_picker A Flutter widget to show an icon collection to pick.\ This widget extend TextField and has a similar behavior as TextFormField Usage In the […]

Flutter Dropdown Widget

Flutter Dropdown Widget

August 6, 2020 totosugito 0

select_form_field A Flutter select field widget. It shows a list of options in a dropdown menu. This widget extend TextField and has a similar behavior […]

Flutter Switch Widget

Flutter Switch Widget

July 22, 2020 totosugito 0

switches_kit awesome customizable Switches for Flutter in the repo you will find the awesome switches/toggles widgets implemented in flutter Thank You! Please :star: this repo […]