Flutter Plot Package

Flutter Plot Package

March 21, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_plot R. C. Howell – 2018 A pretty plotting package for Flutter apps. Sizing and autopadding isn’t great right now, but tinkering with padding and […]

Flutter Charting Library

Flutter Charting Library

March 21, 2020 totosugito 0

Charts is a general charting library, currently enabled for the Flutter mobile UI framework. See the online gallery for supported chart types and examples of […]

Flutter Bezier Line Chart

Flutter Bezier Line Chart

March 20, 2020 totosugito 0

Bezier Chart A Beautiful Bezier Line Chart Widget for flutter that is highly interactive and configurable. Features Multi bezier lines Allow numbers and datetimes Gestures […]

Flutter Pie Charts

Flutter Pie Charts

March 20, 2020 totosugito 0

Pie Chart This Flutter package provides a Pie Chart Widget with cool animation. Live Demo: https://apgapg.github.io/pie_chart/ πŸ’» Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, […]

Flutter Charts With Firestore

Flutter Charts With Firestore

March 20, 2020 totosugito 0

FlutterChartFirestore Flutter Tutorial – Flutter Charts With Firestore Video series can be watched here https://youtu.be/HGkbPrTSndM Getting Started In this project you will see how to […]

Flutter Charts Like MPAndroidChart

Flutter Charts Like MPAndroidChart

March 20, 2020 totosugito 0

MPFlutterChart flutter charts just like MPAndroidChart The minimum version currently supported is 1.7.3. If you use flutter with lower version, checkout and use ‘localPosition-support’ branch, […]

Flutter Line Chart

Flutter Animated Line Chart

March 16, 2020 totosugito 0

fl_animated_linechart An animated chart library for flutter. Support for datetime axis Multiple y axis, supporting different units Highlight selection Animation of the chart Tested with […]

Flutter Echarts Widget

Flutter Echarts Widget

March 16, 2020 totosugito 0

δΈ­ζ–‡ A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way. Features Reactive Updating The most exciting feature of Flutter widgets and React components is […]

Flutter Radar Chart

Flutter Radar Chart

March 16, 2020 totosugito 0

flutter_radar_chart Animated radar chart for Flutter inspired by The Python Graph Gallery (https://python-graph-gallery.com/radar-chart/). Follow the instructions on pub to install this package. Example Usage Basic […]