Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout

Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout


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A Flutter grid view easy to build waterfall flow layout quickly.

Web demo for WaterfallFlow


  • add library to your pubspec.yaml

  waterfall_flow: any
  • import library in dart file

  import 'package:waterfall_flow/waterfall_flow.dart';

Easy to use

Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout
Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout

you can define waterfall flow layout within SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate.

parameter description default
crossAxisCount The number of children in the cross axis. required
mainAxisSpacing The number of logical pixels between each child along the main axis. 0.0
crossAxisSpacing The number of logical pixels between each child along the cross axis. 0.0
collectGarbage Call when collect garbage, return indexs to collect
lastChildLayoutTypeBuilder The builder to get layout type of last child ,Notice: it should only for last child
viewportBuilder The builder to get indexs in viewport
closeToTrailing Whether make layout close to trailing false
              //cacheExtent: 0.0,
              padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
              gridDelegate: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate(
                  crossAxisCount: 2,
                  crossAxisSpacing: 5.0,
                  mainAxisSpacing: 5.0,
                  /// follow max child trailing layout offset and layout with full cross axis extend
                  /// last child as loadmore item/no more item in [GridView] and [WaterfallFlow]
                  /// with full cross axis extend
                  //  LastChildLayoutType.fullCrossAxisExtend,

                  /// as foot at trailing and layout with full cross axis extend
                  /// show no more item at trailing when children are not full of viewport
                  /// if children is full of viewport, it's the same as fullCrossAxisExtend
                  //  LastChildLayoutType.foot,
                  lastChildLayoutTypeBuilder: (index) => index == _list.length
                      ? LastChildLayoutType.foot
                      : LastChildLayoutType.none,


track the indexes are collect, you can collect garbage at that monment(for example Image cache)

more detail

            gridDelegate: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate(
                collectGarbage: (List<int> garbages) {
                  garbages.forEach((index) {
                    final provider = ExtendedNetworkImageProvider(


track the indexes go into the viewport, it’s not include cache extent.

            gridDelegate: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate(
                viewportBuilder: (int firstIndex, int lastIndex) {
                print("viewport : [$firstIndex,$lastIndex]");


build lastChild as special child in the case that it is loadmore/no more item.

        enum LastChildLayoutType {
        /// as default child

        /// follow max child trailing layout offset and layout with full cross axis extend
        /// last child as loadmore item/no more item in [ExtendedGridView] and [WaterfallFlow]
        /// with full cross axis extend

        /// as foot at trailing and layout with full cross axis extend
        /// show no more item at trailing when children are not full of viewport
        /// if children is full of viewport, it's the same as fullCrossAxisExtend

        gridDelegate: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate(
            lastChildLayoutTypeBuilder: (index) => index == length
                ? LastChildLayoutType.foot
                : LastChildLayoutType.none,


when reverse property of List is true, layout is as following.
it likes chat list, and new session will insert to zero index.
but it’s not right when items are not full of viewport.

|               |
|               |
|     item2     |
|     item1     |
|     item0     |

to solve it, you could set closeToTrailing to true, layout is as following.
support [ExtendedGridView],[ExtendedList],[WaterfallFlow].
and it also works when reverse is flase, layout will close to trailing.

|     item2     |
|     item1     |
|     item0     |
|               |
|               |
        reverse: true,
        gridDelegate: SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate(closeToTrailing: true),

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Grid Waterfall Flow Layout Source Code at GitHub