Flutter Loading Indicator Widget

Flutter Loading Indicator Widget


pub package

A collection of out of the box loading animations written in pure dart, no extra dependency, inspired by loaders.css and NVActivityIndicatorView.


Now, you can click this site to preview.3D effect will be invalid in web.

Flutter Loading Indicator

Animation types

Type Type Type Type
1. ballPulse 2. ballGridPulse 3. ballClipRotate 4. squareSpin
5. ballClipRotatePulse 6. ballClipRotateMultiple 7. ballPulseRise 8. ballRotate
9. cubeTransition 10. ballZigZag 11. ballZigZagDeflect 12. ballTrianglePath
13. ballScale 14. lineScale 15. lineScaleParty 16. ballScaleMultiple
17. ballPulseSync 18. ballBeat 19. lineScalePulseOut 20. lineScalePulseOutRapid
21. ballScaleRipple 22. ballScaleRippleMultiple 23. ballSpinFadeLoader 24. lineSpinFadeLoader
25. triangleSkewSpin 26. pacman 27. ballGridBeat 28. semiCircleSpin
29. ballRotateChase 30. orbit 31. audioEqualizer 32. circleStrokeSpin


Install the latest version from pub


very simple to use

LoadingIndicator(indicatorType: Indicator.ballPulse, color: Colors.white,)


Apache 2.0

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Loading Indicator Widget Source Code at GitHub