Flutter Responsive Widgets

Flutter Responsive Widgets

Responsive Widgets

pub package

This plugin helps to create responsive widgets, that makes auto-size with the proportion between reference screen size (width, height) with the screen that the app is running. The package only changed the original widgets, like "Container" to apply a function that make this calculation.

Important notes

Since the version 2.0.0, we started to use the package ScreenUtils (flutter_screenutils) to calculate all, have so many breaking changes, so if you used this package on the past, you will need stop using ResponsiveWidgets.getSize() and use the ScreenUtils that is inside of this package. For more informations about the use of this package, view the original docs of the package: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_screenutil.
Basically now this package turned in a helper of this other package, helping to use more fast in the widgets and helping with the web version using the LayoutBuilder automatically when used ResponsiveWidgets.builder()

If you want use the previous version of the package, use the version 1.1.0 and in your pubspec.yaml: responsive_widgets: 1.1.0


Feature / Working with Progress
5.5 inch screens
Vertical mode
Horizontal mode
Tablet on vertical mode
Tablet on horizontal mode
Support for web

Getting Started

First of all you need to use the code ResponsiveWidgets.init(context) to make the plugin works. Use ResponsiveWidgets.builder(child: ), to recalculate the proportion every time the sizes of device changes. Inclusive when the device turned to left/right… The code need to be placed on the first screen of the app, inside of the build method, like this: See also in code

    class  _HomeScreenState  extends  State<HomeScreen> {
        Widget  build(BuildContext context) {

                height: 1920, // Optional
                width: 1080, // Optional
                allowFontScaling: true, // Optional

            return  ResponsiveWidgets.builder(
                height: 1920, // Optional
                width: 1080, // Optional
                allowFontScaling: true, // Optional
                child: Scaffold(
                        body: Container()



        child: Widget,
        height: double, // Responsive height
        heightResponsive: bool, // Enable/Disable Responsive height
        width: double, // Responsive width
        widthResponsive: , bool// Enable/Disable Responsive width


        child: Widget,
        height: double, // Responsive height
        width: double, // Responsive width

EdgeInsetsResponsive (Can be used in any widget with parameter padding)

        child: Widget,
        padding: EdgeInsetsResponsive.all(50), // EdgeInsets Responsive padding


        text // Responsive fontSize


        child: Widget,
        onPressed: (){}

Function to recalculate size responsibly

Have special cases that doesn’t have Responsive Widgets created, one of this cases is the Positioned, to solve this problem is simple use this function that will return the correct value to the screen. Pass the px size of the design draft:

Adapted to screen width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(540),

Adapted to screen height: ScreenUtil().setHeight(200),

If your dart sdk>=2.6, you can use extension functions:

instead of :

width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(50),

you can use it like this:

width: 50.w,

Adapter font:

//Incoming font size,the unit is pixel, fonts will not scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings
//(AllowallowFontScaling when initializing ScreenUtil)
//Incoming font size,the unit is pixel,fonts will scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings
//(If somewhere does not follow the global allowFontScaling setting)
ScreenUtil().setSp(24, allowFontScalingSelf: true)
//for example:
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: <Widget>[
                    'My font size is 24px on the design draft and will not change with the system.',
                    style: TextStyle(
                      color: Colors.black,
                      fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(24),
                    'My font size is 24px on the design draft and will change with the system.',
                    style: TextStyle(
                        color: Colors.black,
                        fontSize: ScreenUtil()
                            .setSp(24, allowFontScalingSelf: true))),


Mixed, responsive and normal, respectively

Mixed, responsive and normal, respectively

Not responsive page

Flutter Widgets Not responsive

Responsive page

Flutter Responsive Widgets

Source Code

Please Visit [Flutter Responsive Widgets]() Source Code at GitHub