Flutter Note-Taking Application

Flutter Note Application

Smart Notes

Build status Generic badge made-with-Markdown [Open Source Love svg1]()

Flutter Note-Taking Application

A note-taking app powered by Google services such as Google Sign In, Google Drive, and Firebase ML Vision.

This is an official entry to FlutterPH’s Online Hackathon 2019.

Notable Plugins/Technologies Used

Running the Project

Please send me an email at dustinboy619@gmail.com with your local Android debug certificate’s SHA-1 fingerprint.
We will then give you the google-services.json config file needed in order to run the project. Place this in
src/app/android/app directory.


You can install the Android app by simply scanning the code below. This will redirect you to a page where you can download the latest APK.

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Note-Taking Application Source Code at GitHub