Flutter Motion Tab Bar

Flutter Motion Tab Bar

Motion Tab Bar

A beautiful animated widget for your Flutter apps

Flutter Motion Tab Bar

Getting Started

Add the plugin:

  motion_tab_bar: ^0.1.1

Basic Usage

Adding the widget

   MotionTabController _tabController;
  void initState() {
    _tabController = new MotionTabController(initialIndex:1,vsync: this);

  void dispose() {

 bottomNavigationBar: MotionTabBar(
        tabOneName: "Home",
        tabTwoName: "Search",
        tabThreeName: "Account",
        tabOneIcon: Icons.home,
        tabTwoIcon: Icons.search,
        tabThreeIcon: Icons.account_box,
        tabIconColor: Colors.green,
        tabSelectedColor: Colors.red,
        textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.red),
        initialSelectedTab: 1,
        onTabItemSelected: (int value){
          setState(() {
            _tabController.index = value;

Catch me up on LinkedIn @Rezaul Islam

πŸ’™ to CodeπŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’» Flutter Expert β€’ Dart Kotlin Swift Node Js β€’ Android β€’ Full Stack Mobile Developer

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Motion Tab Bar Source Code at GitHub