Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator

Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator


Liquid progress indicator for Flutter.

Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator


  • Liquid circular progress indicator.
  • Liquid linear progress indicator.
  • Liquid custom progress indicator.
  • Works similarly to Flutters own ProgressIndicator.
  • Customise colors, borders, direction, etc.


    import 'package:liquid_progress_indicator/liquid_progress_indicator.dart';


      value: 0.25, // Defaults to 0.5.
      valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation(Colors.pink), // Defaults to the current Theme's accentColor.
      backgroundColor: Colors.white, // Defaults to the current Theme's backgroundColor.
      borderColor: Colors.red,
      borderWidth: 5.0,
      direction: Axis.horizontal, // The direction the liquid moves (Axis.vertical = bottom to top, Axis.horizontal = left to right). Defaults to Axis.vertical.
      center: Text("Loading..."),


      value: 0.25, // Defaults to 0.5.
      valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation(Colors.pink), // Defaults to the current Theme's accentColor.
      backgroundColor: Colors.white, // Defaults to the current Theme's backgroundColor.
      borderColor: Colors.red,
      borderWidth: 5.0,
      borderRadius: 12.0,
      direction: Axis.vertical, // The direction the liquid moves (Axis.vertical = bottom to top, Axis.horizontal = left to right). Defaults to Axis.horizontal.
      center: Text("Loading..."),


      value: 0.2 // Defaults to 0.5.
      valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation(Colors.pink), // Defaults to the current Theme's accentColor.
      backgroundColor: Colors.white, // Defaults to the current Theme's backgroundColor.
      direction: Axis.vertical, // The direction the liquid moves (Axis.vertical = bottom to top, Axis.horizontal = left to right).
      shapePath: _buildBoatPath(), // A Path object used to draw the shape of the progress indicator. The size of the progress indicator is created from the bounds of this path.

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Liquid Progress Indicator Source Code at GitHub