Flutter Interval Progress Bar

Flutter Interval Progress Bar



An interval progress widget for Flutter.


v1 v2
Flutter Interval Progress Bar Flutter Interval Progress Bar

Depend on it


Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  intervalprogressbar: ^{last_version}


  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Circle
  • Interval Progress
  • Colorful

Getting Started


Widget buildHorizontal() => IntervalProgressBar(
    direction: IntervalProgressDirection.horizontal,
    max: 30,
    progress: 10,
    intervalSize: 2,
    size: Size(400, 10),
    highlightColor: Colors.red,
    defaultColor: Colors.grey,
    intervalColor: Colors.transparent,
    intervalHighlightColor: Colors.transparent,
    reverse: true,
    radius: 0);
Widget buildVertical() => Row(
    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
    children: [10, 29, 18, 27, 16, 15, 24, 3, 20, 10].map<Widget>((i) {
      return Padding(
          padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 10),
          child: IntervalProgressBar(
              direction: IntervalProgressDirection.vertical,
              max: 30,
              progress: i,
              intervalSize: 2,
              size: Size(12, 200),
              highlightColor: Colors.red,
              defaultColor: Colors.grey,
              intervalColor: Colors.transparent,
              intervalHighlightColor: Colors.transparent,
              reverse: true,
              radius: 0));
Widget buildCircle() => IntervalProgressBar(
      direction: IntervalProgressDirection.circle,
      max: 30,
      progress: 10,
      intervalSize: 2,
      size: Size(200, 200),
      highlightColor: Colors.red,
      defaultColor: Colors.grey,
      intervalColor: Colors.transparent,
      intervalHighlightColor: Colors.transparent,
      reverse: true,
      radius: 0,
      intervalDegrees: 5,
      strokeWith: 5,


Property type note
direction enum ProgressBar’s direction, support vertical and horizontal
max int count of default blocks
progress int count of highlight blocks
intervalSize int size of interval blocks. when vertical direction, means height, when horizontal direction, means width
size Size size of this widget
highlightColor Color color of highlight blocks
defaultColor Color color of default blocks
intervalColor Color color of default intervals
intervalHighlightColor Color color of intervals which between highlight blocks
reverse bool
radius int
intervalDegrees double support for circle progress
strokeWith int support for circle progress

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter Interval Progress Bar Source Code at GitHub