Flutter 3D Flip Animation Widget

Flutter 3D Flip Animation Widget


This is a Flutter 3D Flip Widget base on pure Dart code that provides 3D flip card visuals.

Flutter 3D Flip Animation Widget Flutter 3D Flip Animation Widget


add package in your pubspec.yaml

   flutter_flip_view: ^latest_version

This is a simple usage

import 'package:flutter_flip_view/flutter_flip_view.dart';

  animationController: _curvedAnimation,
  front: Container(
    width: 300,
    height: 500,
    color: Colors.amber,
    alignment: Alignment.center,
    child: Text('Front'),
  back: Container(
    width: 300,
    height: 500,
    color: Colors.blueGrey,
    alignment: Alignment.center,
    child: Text('Back'),

You can get more usage case in main.dart and custom_layout_example.dart

Pay attention

If the widgets you are using within the flip_view are wrapped in a Card widget or a Material widget, you should set the Card (or Material) property clipBehavior to Clip.hardEdge or something other than Clip.none.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Source Code

Please Visit Flutter 3D Flip Animation Widget Source Code at GitHub